Giving in to Same Sex Attraction

Just suppose I am 8 years old, and I have a twin sister, and she knows a 50 year old man who wants to have a sexual relationship with her. She thinks this sounds good and is thinking of agreeing to his proposal.

What should I do?  I do not have sufficient experience of life to know whether it is good or bad.  But I do know I can trust our father for advice. He loves us and knows what is best for me and for my sister, so I can pass on his message to her. No doubt he would say, “Don’t agree to it. It might seem like it will make you happy now, but years later you will find that it was the wrong choice.”

In the same way, I would say to people who are thinking of giving in to same sex attraction that our loving heavenly Father (the one who created us, so he should know), says, just as he would say to anyone thinking of being involved in sexual activity outside of marriage, “Don’t agree to it. It might seem like it will make you happy now, but years later you will find that it was the wrong choice.”Sadly, we will all make wrong choices in our lives, but there is a way to deal with that. Our loving heavenly Father says he will forgive us when we ignore his good instructions, and he will help us change.  But he can only do this if we acknowledge his rightful place in our lives, ask for his forgiveness and return home, living our lives in a loving relationship with him.

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