I was looking at a chart of human history the other day (https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=988428549952969) and it shows that written history started about 2500BC, in a number of civilisations, each in its own language.
This just happens to line up with the Biblical account that says that the flood and confusion of languages happened about the same time. For reference, Archbishop Ussher (1581–1656) produced a timeline which can be viewed here: https://dl0.creation.com/articles/p147/c14749/timeline_of_the_bible.pdf
The chart mentions the Methuselah tree, a bristlecone pine in California, which is possibly the oldest living thing on the planet. You can read about it at: https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-40224991. This pine also just happens to have started growing around the same time as the start of this timeline. There are other living things that people claim are older, but they are dated using extrapolations = guesswork.
All this is a strong indication that the Biblical account and chronology is actually factual.
I can’t figure out how a secular view of history can account for these “coincidences”. The whole question of language development has great problems because there are at least 5 distinct families of languages.
“Modern” man is supposed to have been around for 100,000s of years. Why did it take so long for writing to develop, and why did it happen all of a sudden in different languages, with different writing systems, all at the same time? Biblical chronology, the flood (Genesis 6-8) and the confusion of languages and dispersal (Genesis 11:1-9) make perfect sense of all this.
Of course, written history actually started before the flood, and those documents were carried on the ark and formed the basis of the book of Genesis.